Thinking of purchasing a 20 qt le creuset stockpot formy cooking needs. If I need less space in pot based on recipes, is it still ok for the results? I’m new to your site and found your dedication to stock and soups the best after going through hundreds of recipes. Fantastic!! Thanks. ERI

Hi. Thanks for your question (and I appreciate your kind words). Yes, a 20-quart pot is a very good size—and, if the pot is tall (rather than wide) the capacity of the vessel is less important—and can be fine for smaller quantities. The most important thing to remember is that you want low-slow-simmering to allow for major flavor infuse-ment (into the liquid) and a minimum of evaporation (so you end up with more stock after straining, chilling and removing the fat). Personally, I suggest making a large batch of stock (using as much as your 20 quart pot will accommodate (solids and liquid) and then, if space is an issue, you can (after removing the fat) reduce the stock (slow and low and uncovered) until it’s half it’s original volume (or even less). Then divide and freeze. To use, since the stock will be very concentrated, reconstitute it (lighten the taste) by adding fresh water. The more water content you remove, the more syrupy (and heat sensitive) the stock will become—so take care not to scorch it (Le Cruset is a very good company and makes pots with a very heavy bottom which will help protect the taste of the stock as it reduces. I don’t think I’ve seen their stock pots, though—are they tall or wide? I hope this helps! Stay in touch and keep up the great work!

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