Sometimes working with certain types of bread dough is, what I would imagine, it’s like riding a wild stallion. This is my baguette dough that, because I pushed the hydration up as far as I could-without it turning completely into my ciabatta dough- it was, when shaping, extremely hard to handle-wanting to stick to my fingers, with each and every pinch. – I’m never really sure who will win-but, the excitement i feel is palpable. I’ll admit that these aren’t the prettiest-but that doesn’t matter. They represent my willingness to be brave, to adapt, to embrace “what is” and do what I can to make things the best they can be- at that moment. These loaves are as light as air-with a crust that sings my favorite song. I love to do what I love. Please, tell me what you love to do… never give up