Ciabatta is risen, seam side up, on floured towels (rubbed generously with rice flour and then wheat flour). In order to help this soft dough keep its shape while rising, I prop the sides up using anything I can find that’s straight- and then weigh those things in place with something else- The dough, when fully proofed, gets gently turned (seam side down) onto a prepared peel. Can you see how incredibly light this dough is by how it jiggles when I correct its shape on the peel? This lightness is what makes ciabatta so prized- along with its very open crumb. This dough does not get slashed before baking- just a sprinkling of kosher salt
Ciabatta is risen, seam side up, on floured towels (rubbed generously with rice flour and then wheat flour). In order to help this soft dough keep its shape while rising, I prop the sides up using anything I can find that’s straight- and then weigh those things in place with something else- The dough, when fully proofed, gets gently turned (seam side down) onto a prepared peel. Can you see how incredibly light this dough is by how it jiggles when I correct its shape on the peel? This lightness is what makes ciabatta so prized- along with its very open crumb. This dough does not get slashed before baking- just a sprinkling of kosher salt

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